My nickname is now Tater.
>> Saturday, May 17, 2008
Since all I did yesterday was peel, slice, and wash potatoes, the line cooks and the head chef gave me the nickname Tater. I was still called that today even though I didn't even touch one potato. Today I breaded halibut and salmon, peeled some horseradish for garnishing steaks, rubbed down 2 large roasts, boiled 12 eggs, and marked some new towels so that they would be returned to the kitchen after being washed. While I was breading fish, the first guests arrived at the lodge my motor coach. We had to go outside and wave at them, and I felt like I should have not been out there because I was covered in dirt from the horseradish, blood from the roast, and flour, egg wash, and panko from the fish. At least they knew that I was working hard to get their dinner fixings ready. After I was done with work, I was given a paper chef hat by Ryan, the head chef. He had worn it out to greet the guests, and I had asked him for it since he said that he hated it. I'll be sure to take a picture of it when I grab batteries for my camera. The gift shop opened up today, so I went there and bought a couple of things. They sadly didn't have any stamps, so if anyone wants to send me something, I would love some stamps. I promise if you send me stamps, I will send you a postcard from Alaska.